Tuesday, September 17, 2019

We lost this case. We should have won it.

Appealed, but missed the date for filing. This takes a half hour.

There is no right to see the White House fountain.
There is no right to have a White House fountain.
There is no right to have a White House.
There is a right to protest

00:00 Question - Why was the sidewalk closed? [What was the crime?]
The normal pattern of an arrest.
02:00 Options that the police have. Set up a perimeter or not.
There are two things going on
The Regulation: 36CFR7.96 (g.5.vii) last two sentences
The Title of (g) is "Demonstrations"
04:50 Police create a control area (put up tape)
"stopping with a sign in the center zone"
09:00 The First Amendment explained
13:00 except: Time Place Manner
14:45 Traditional Public Forum
15:30 "substantially unobstructed view"
16:30 boldly aimed at protected activity
21:00 Deconflict - The Reviewing Stand across the street
23:00 Mary Grace!! The Presidential Seal rule
25:30 Put the sign down?

Videos of the event are posted in 2019 March
Look at the Blog History to the Right, or here

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Added 2019 some videos

1. [video 1]
- Diane Wilson, interview
- the view from across the street after the closing,
- VFW on the curb,
- Diane on the White House lawn,
- Keven Zeese with careless uninformed talk
2. [video 2]
- CodePink, force feeding (Tigue)
- off camera, Diane jumps the fence, some run to her
- Sidewalk closed,
- arrest of Medea,
- VFW stopped from handcuffing himself to the fence,
- and 10 more minutes