Tuesday, September 17, 2019

We lost this case. We should have won it.

Appealed, but missed the date for filing. This takes a half hour.

There is no right to see the White House fountain.
There is no right to have a White House fountain.
There is no right to have a White House.
There is a right to protest

00:00 Question - Why was the sidewalk closed? [What was the crime?]
The normal pattern of an arrest.
02:00 Options that the police have. Set up a perimeter or not.
There are two things going on
The Regulation: 36CFR7.96 (g.5.vii) last two sentences
The Title of (g) is "Demonstrations"
04:50 Police create a control area (put up tape)
"stopping with a sign in the center zone"
09:00 The First Amendment explained
13:00 except: Time Place Manner
14:45 Traditional Public Forum
15:30 "substantially unobstructed view"
16:30 boldly aimed at protected activity
21:00 Deconflict - The Reviewing Stand across the street
23:00 Mary Grace!! The Presidential Seal rule
25:30 Put the sign down?

Videos of the event are posted in 2019 March
Look at the Blog History to the Right, or here